Who we are
We are a group of volunteer parents who understand the importance of being involved with our children’s school. We are dedicated to enriching the school environment, education and student-life. We promote the involvement of parents at Lakeside Academy for the benefit of all students.
What we do
- Participate in major school events
- Fundraise for school activities
Main Events
- Help funding of Grade 7 camp
- Graduation/Convocation
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- Awards Night
Meetings are held from September to May, about once a month. The school Principal and/or Vice Principal and a Governing Board representative attend each meeting and keep parents informed about school life and activities.
If you have any questions or would like more information please contact us at: lakesidehomeschool@lbpearson.ca
We look forward to hearing from you!

LA H&S is a member of the Quebec Federation of Home and School Associations