The aims of the teaching and study of physical education are to encourage and enable students to develop:
  • An appreciation and understanding of the value of physical education and its relationship to a healthy, balanced lifestyle.
  • An interest in the promotion of health and wellness.
  • The motivation to participate fully in all aspects of physical education.
  • Their optimal level of physical fitness.
  • Effective communication strategies, verbal, non-verbal and written.
  • The skills and understanding necessary to participate successfully in a variety of physical activities, for example, learning, practising, refining, adapting, thinking, and interacting.
  • The ability to reflect critically on all aspects of physical education, including being a critical performer.
  • An understanding of international perspectives on physical activity, sport and health education.
  • A lifelong interest in and enjoyment of physical activities as a participant.

The students will cover many physical education activities that will challenge them and give them a variety of experiences. The students will be assessed in 2 ways:


Using the IB criteria

  • Criteria A: Knowing and understanding 
  • Criteria B: Planning for performance  
  • Criteria C: Applying and performing 
  • Criteria D: Reflecting and improving performance


Using the MELS criteria

  • Competency 1 Performs movement skills in different physical activity settings
  • Competency 2 Interact with others in different physical activity settings
  • Competency 3 Adapts a healthy, active lifestyle